Summer Internships at DEQ

7th Edition EstVerDEQ
July 8-19, 2024
The EstVerDEQ 2024 Program at the Chemical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico is an opportunity for students from all over the country in the 1st cycle of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Physics, Materials, Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering or related courses to get in touch with researchers from this school and enjoy the unique scientific culture of this institution.
The internships run for two weeks and interns will be part of a research team for around 35 hours a week, where they will carry out research and take part in debates and social activities.
AThe list of internship topics can be found here here, , from April 15th.
AApplications must be made here from April 22 until May 2, 2024.
The list of students placed (1st phase) is posted here.

The internships run for two weeks and interns will be part of a research team for around 30 hours a week, where they will carry out research, attend lectures, take part in debates and visit various research laboratories in the department.

At the end of the program, the students receive their diplomas during a convivial snack.

· Accident insurance
· Lunch in the IST canteen
· Diploma of participation
- Possibility of low-cost accommodation at IST's Duarte Pacheco student residence (conditions to be confirmed soon)
Selection Criteria:
Serialization (in %) =( 0,3*”Nature” + 0,3* ”Maturity” + 0,3 * Average + 0,1* Motivation letter) *100
1- Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Materials – 1,0
2- Biology, Physics, Geology – 0,5
3- Other courses – 0,3
Maturity : Nº of ECTS obtained/180